Python String

In this tutorial, you will learn about Python strings and string operations with the help of examples.

In Python, a string is a sequence of characters enclosed inside quotation marks. For example,

text = 'Hi there'
print(text)  # Hi there

Here, 'Hi there' is a string. It contains 'H', 'i', ' ', 't', 'h', 'e', 'r' and 'e' characters.

Creating Strings

A string is created by characters inside either single quotes or double quotes.

# single quote
text = 'Hello there'
print(text)    # Hello there

# double quotes
text = "Hello there"
print(text)    # Hello there

We can either use single quotes or double quotes for strings. However, we cannot mismatch quotations to create strings.

# mismatch quotation to create string
text = 'Hello there"


File "<string>", line 2
    text = 'Hello there"
SyntaxError: unterminated string literal (detected at line 2)

Multiline Strings

To create a string that extends multiple lines, we can use either triple single quotes or triple double quotes.

# triple single quotes for multiline strings
text = '''Hello there.
How are you doing?'''

# triple double quotes for multiline strings
text = """Howdy.
What's up?"""


Hello there.
How are you doing?
What's up?

Escape Sequence

If a string contains quotation marks inside strings like this:

text =  "He said, "What's there?""

We will get an error. It's because Python thinks "He said, " is a string and the remaining What's there?"" is an invalid syntax.

To fix this, we can escape characters using a backslash \ before it.

text =  "He said, \"What\'s there?\""


He said, "What's there?"

Escape sequences are also used to print characters that we cannot directly type such as newline and tabs.

print('Hello.\n\nHow are you?')



How are you?

Here, the \n is an escape sequence that prints a new line.

Similarly, if we want to print a tab, we can use the \t escape sequence.

Access String Characters

The characters of a string are in order, and we can access individual characters of a string using indexes. For example,

text = 'bing'

# access the first item
print(text[0])    # b

# access the third item
print(text[2])    # n

In Python, indexing starts from 0. Meaning,

  • the index of the first string character is 0
  • the index of the second character is 1
  • and so on
Python String Indexing
Python String

Hence, text[0] gives the first character of the text string, text[1] gives the second character, and so on.

Negative Indexing

Python strings also support negative indexing.

  • the index of the last character is -1
  • the index of the second last character is -2
  • and so on
Python String Negative Indexing
Python String Negative Indexing
text = 'bing'

# access the last character
print(text[-1])    # g

# access the third last character
print(text[-3])    # i

By the way, if the specified index does not exist in the string, Python throws the IndexError exception.

text = 'bing'

# trying to access the fifth character
# however, the string only has four characters


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 5, in <module>
IndexError: string index out of range

Slicing of a String

It is also possible to access a substring from the string using the slicing notation. For example,

text= ('Datamentor')

# string with characters at index 0, 1, 2 and 3
print(text[0: 4])    # Data

# string with characters at index 4, 5 and 6
print(text[4: 7])    # men

One thing to remember about string slicing is that the start index is inclusive whereas the end index is exclusive.


  • text[0: 4] returns a substring with characters at index 0, 1, 2, and 3 but not 4.
  • languages[4: 7] returns a substring with characters at index 4, 5, and 6 but not 7.

Slicing: Skip Start and End Index

If we use the empty start index, the slicing starts from the beginning of the string. Similarly, if we use the empty end index, the slicing ends at the last index.

text = 'Datamentor'

# chracters from index 0 to 3
print(text[:4])    # Data  

# chracters from index 4 to last
print(text[4:])    # mentor

Change String Characters

Python strings are immutable. Meaning we cannot change the characters of a string once created.

If we try to change the characters of a string, we will get an error.

text = 'Datamentor'

# trying to change the first character
text[0] = 'C'



Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 5, in <module>
TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment

However, we can reassign a different string to the same name if we need to change characters.

text = 'Datamentor'

# the + operator concatenates strings
# concatenating 'C' and 'atamentor'
text = 'C' + text[1:]


Here, we can not modify the 'Datamentor' string; it's not possible.

Instead, we are creating a new string by concatenating 'C' and 'atamentor' and we have assigned it to the same text variable.

Concatenating String

As mentioned above, we can concatenate (join) two strings by using the + operator.

text1 = 'Data'
text2 = 'Mentor'

# concatenating strings: text1 and text2
result = text1 + text2

print(result)    # DataMentor

# concatenating strings" text1, ' ' and text2
print(text1 + ' ' + text2)    # Data Mentor

Delete Strings

We cannot remove characters of a string because strings are immutable. However, we can delete the string itself using the del statement.

text = 'DataMentor'

# deleting the text string
del text

print(text)    # Error: name 'text' is not defined

Python String Length

We can find the length of a string using the len() function. For example,

text = 'DataMentor'
print(len(text))    # 10

Python Strings Methods

Python has many useful methods that make it really easy to work with strings. Here are the commonly used string methods

Method Description
capitalize() converts the first character of the string to uppercase
center() creates a new centered string with the given character
count() returns the count of the given character/substring
endswith() checks if the string ends with the given suffix
find() returns the index of the first occurrence of the given substring
format() formats strings into a nicer output
index() returns the index of the first matching substring
isalnum() checks if the string only contains alphanumeric (alphabet or number) characters or not
isalpha() checks if the string only contains alphabets or not
isdigit() checks if all characters of the string are numbers or not
join() joins items of an iterable (containing strings)
lower() converts the string into lower case
replace() replaces the substring present in the string with a new string
split() splits the string at the given separator and returns a list
startswith() checks if the string starts with the given substring or not
strip() removes the specified leading and trailing characters from the string
upper() converts all lowercase characters in a string to uppercase characters and return it

Python String Formatting and f-Strings

The string's format() method makes it really easy to format strings. For example,

number1 = 5
number2 = 10

total = number1 + number2

output = '{0} + {1} = {2}'.format(number1, number2, total)
print(output)    # 5 + 10 = 15


  • the value of number1 replaces {0}
  • the value of number2 replaces {1}
  • the value of number3 replaces {2}

Starting from Python 3.6, f-strings were introduced which is a great way to format strings.

The f-string starts with either 'f' or 'F'. For example,

number1 = 5
number2 = 10

total = number1 + number2

print(f'{number1} + {number2} = {total}')    # 5 + 10 = 15

Iterating through a String

It's really easy to iterate through a string using the for loop.

text = 'data'

# iterating through the string
for letter in text:



Check if a Character/Substring Exists in the String

We can use the in keyword to check if a substring exists in the string or not.

text = 'Datamentor'

print('Data' in text)    # True
print('Data' not in text)    # False

print('data' in text)    # False

Python String Summary

In Python, a string is

  • collection - a sequence of characters
  • ordered - characters of a string are in order
  • unchangeable - characters of a string cannot be changed

Recommended Reading: Python List

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