Python Data Types

In this tutorial, you will learn about difference types of data that we can use in Python with the help of examples.

There are different types of data that we store in variables. These different types of data are known as data types. For example,

x = 5
y = 'Python'

Here, x is an integer data type and y is a string data type.

Different Python Data Types

Data Types Example
Integer x = 7
Float x = 7.5
String x = 'Programiz'
Boolean x = False
Complex x = 5j
List x =['Python', 'C', 'Java']
Tuple x = ('Python', 'C', 'Java')
Set x = {'Python', 'C', 'Java')
Dictionary x = {'name' : 'Tim', 'age' : 56}

Since everything is an object in Python programming, data types are classes and variables are instances (object) of those classes.

For x = 5, x is an instance of class int.

Note: We use type() method to identify the data type of the variable. For example,

x = 5
# Output: <class 'int'>

Commonly Used Python Data Types

Some of the commonly used data types in Python are:


The integer data type int represents positive or negative whole numbers(i.e. numbers without fraction or decimal). For example,

# positive number
x = 45
print(type(x))  # <class 'int'>
# negative number
x = -3
print(type(x)) # <class 'int'>


The floating point float type represents decimal or fractional numbers. For example,

x = 5.5
print(type(x)) # <class 'float'>
x = 0.002
print(type(x)) #<class 'float'>


The string data type (str) represents alphanumeric characters. For example,

x = 'Car'
print(type(x)) # <class 'str'>
x = 'abc12'
print(type(x)) # <class 'str'>
x = 'Python Programming'
print(type(x)) # <class 'str'>

Other Python Data Types

Other data types that are commonly used in Python are:


The list type allows us to store multiple values. The elements of a list are inside square [] brackets. For example,

my_list = [2, 'python', 4.5]

To learn more about list, visit Python List.


Tuple is also used to store elements of multiple data types similar to lists. One important difference between a tuple and a list is that lists are mutable (changeable), whereas tuples are immutable (unchangeable). The tuple is created using () parenthesis. For example,

my_tuple = ('USA', 'jake', 54)

To learn more about list, visit Python Tuple.


Set is an unordered collection of items. Also, a set cannot contain duplicate elements. The elements of set are inside curly braces {}. For example,

my_set = {1, 3, 'jimmy'}

To learn more about list, visit Python Set.


The dictionary is an ordered collection that stores elements in key/value pairs. For example,

my_dict = {'name' : 'Jake' , 'age' : 15}

The elements of a dictionary are accessed using the keys. To learn more about list, visit Python Dictionary.


The boolean data type represents one of two values: either True or False. For example,

x = True 
print(type(x)) # <class 'bool'>

To learn more, visit Python Booleans


In Python, None means no value (lack of value) For example,

x = None
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